How To Choose A Video Production Company

Video Production

If you’ve never hired a video production company it can be daunting at first. There are many things to look at when researching production companies but these are four that we’ve found extremely important.

(1) Review their work

The first thing to look at when researching production companies is their previous work. Everyone has a different style and level of quality when it comes to video production. You want to make sure the style you’re looking for is something the vendor is capable of.

The best way to do this is by looking at their reel. A reel is a compilation of a company’s best work and is usually updated every year. Be careful though, reels can look amazing and get you excited but they might not accurately represent all of this company's work. Remember that this is their best or favourite work. You should also look at work in their portfolio that is similar to the work you would like to have done. It does not make much sense to hire a production company that specializes in music videos to do your corporate interview. Once you’ve reviewed a company you should compare the quality and style of their work to their competitors.

(2) Check their Reviews

It's rare to buy something today without reading reviews on the product first. This should be the same for services. Clients who have had extremely favourable experiences with a company generally try to give them a positive review. The company doesn’t need a thousand five-star reviews but a handful from reputable sources is extremely helpful when determining if they’re the right fit for you.

(3) Do they ask the right questions?

Every good video production company understands that there is no point in creating a video that does not serve a purpose. A good video production company will try to first understand your goals and then develop a video strategy around these. Without starting from an objective how will we know if this video had a positive return on your investment?

(4) Price Vs. Quality

Are you looking to make a solid investment into quality production or are you searching for the cheapest alternative? Video production can be very expensive and there are different factors that determine the cost of video production. These include the equipment, Planning, skill of labour, time and more. There are smaller boutique production companies that create really stunning work but only take on a few clients at a time. There are also larger companies that sacrifice quality for economies of scale. Deciding on which type of company to pursue will be up to your needs and goals as a customer.


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